Cindy (the teacher) introduces the Polygons task where students will work with squares, pentagons and hexagons to find each shape’s perimeter.
Use and Connect Mathematical Representations
Siri & Tiffany
Siri & Tiffany’s group share how they approached the Pool Border task, decomposing the border into four “side plus corner” pieces, the equation for which they write as n = s4 + 4
Amanda & Jackie
After students have worked on the Triangles task, Jackie and Amanda each share their solution methods. Cindy asks the class if the two methods can be connected to each other.
Different Equations
After Debra’s class has determined y = 4x + 4 as one equation for solving the Pool Border task, Debra asks them to work in small groups, exploring visually to find as many other equations as they can.
Kiril & Reymond
In this class discussion of Regina’s Logo, Kiril shares how he found the closed form equation using a table, and Reymond shares how he obtained the equation from visually exploring the geometric model.