This video focuses on the Polygons task and the interactions between Cindy (the teacher) and Stuart (a student) and his work. Cindy poses questions to Stuart to help understand his approach.
Looking for & Making Use of Structure
Launching a Discussion
Debra (the teacher) launches the Pool Border task in her class. During this whole class discussion, several students share their initial thoughts on how they would go about solving the Pool Border task.
Revisiting 5 by 5
Debra (the teacher) asks students to consider how many 1 x 1 tiles would be needed to create a border for a 5 x 5 pool. The class then discusses the different approaches students took to counting the tiles, both correct and incorrect.
More on Reymond’s Method
Because Reymond has shared a method of determining an equation for Regina’s Logo that is different from what his classmates have shared, Gisele, the teacher, invites him to the board to explain found his equation visually from the geometric model.
Revisiting Stuart
This video focuses on the Polygons task and the interactions between Cindy (the teacher) and Stuart (a student) and his work. Cindy poses questions to Stuart to help understand his approach.
Lulu’s Group
Lulu shares her group’s equation, n = (s + 2)^2 – s^2, explaining that it describes finding the area of the larger square (side length s + 2), then subtracting the area of the pool (side length s). Debra (the teacher) asks another student to paraphrase Lulu’s group’s approach.
Discussing 5 by 5
Debra (the teacher) asks students to consider how many 1 x 1 tiles would be needed to create a border for a 5 x 5 pool. The class then discusses the different approaches students took to counting the tiles, both correct and incorrect.
Different Equations
After Debra’s class has determined y = 4x + 4 as one equation for solving the Pool Border task, Debra asks them to work in small groups, exploring visually to find as many other equations as they can.
Reymond’s Method
After a class discussion in which a few students have shared their equations for Regina’s Logo, the teacher, Gisele, invites Reymond to the board to explain how he obtained his algebraic equation visually from the geometric model.
Amelia’s Approach
Amelia explains how she came up with her equation for Schemel’s Logo from the visual model. Jason tells how he found the equation from the table, and Amber comments that Jason’s table shows that Schemel’s Logo is not linear.